Sunday, June 6, 2021

What's in a name?

 I want you to know that it is okay to have your name in BIG LETTERS. 

Too often, I see the book title in a gigantic size and the author's name is an afterthought, small print at the bottom or top of the page. But it is time you start thinking like a professional writer--no, a celebrity. Because your book is about you as much as it is about anything in the book. 

Look at a James Patterson novel or Stephen King, heck, look at any of your favorite books and you will see the author's name is as big as the title if not BIGGER. The writers are the stars, the celebrities. And sometimes, people are not buying your book because they can't wait to see what happens to your heroine in Act Three, but they are buying it because you wrote it. 

It is not vanity, it is marketing. You want readers to know your name. So, stop hiding it on the cover and proudly display it. 

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